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Behold a game by SolarJStudios Corrupted Worlds. This game you play as the main character Jbro here you fight enemys explore new areas such as Grassy lands and more. Preparing for your great battle for years the hero finally strikes to the day. Chapter 1 is out! #adventure #rpg #action

Mild Cartoon Violence

Hey solar kin, sad news nobody is downloading the game sadly if I continue it it will just feel like nothing. So I decided corrupted worlds is closed game files stay you can download it. But it may not be worked on anymore. Unless I make a indie game for.

Chapter 1 is out wow that was fast it should be longer I tested it gameplay said 30-40 minutes so enjoy!

Hey solar kin! almost forgot about to make chapter 1 but I made the decision to switch from Rpg Maker MV to Unity which will take a while but I will keep using rpg maker mv. Right now I don't have anything for chapter 1 yet but continue supporting cya!

Alright 2 days later good development Corrupted Worlds Demo is out now! come and play it! I should say there is 1 secret in the demo can you find it?

Alright for real I'll stop dissapearing team cherry is doing that but I will stop dissapearing update for today the development is being started on Rpg maker MV!