
The first one looked like trash. Now we doing this shit proper, mate.
This is the official and final remaster of the first version, which is a shitpost overhaul of the FNF: Doki Doki Takeover - Bad Ending mod by Team TBD (led by SirDusterBuster) but every Doki is replacing with disguised RED Spies from Team Fortress 2.
Includes brand new, better animated custom non-overriding Spy Doki sprites and revamped Spy chromatic covers of all three songs: Stagnant, Markov, and HOME.
Liek the first version, do not merge this copy of the game with anything else, we're using custom stuff, so said custom stuff won't work with vanilla DDTO.
Just like the first version, If Team TBD requests that we take this mod of the mod down, we'll gladly respect that. This mod was made in pure fun, with absolutely no ill intent to downplay the themes of DDLC/DDTO or the hard work of everyone in Team TBD, but we absolutely acknowledge the fine line of "pure fun".
Credits for every member involved in the Spy TF2 Overhaul aspect of this mod of a mod are included in the soft-coded credits of the game.