
Comments (2)

What do you think?

A verry good game !


Eleve un Totoy est un jeu mi-sandbox et mi-géstion ou vous devez

vous occupé d'un animal tous en fessant fasse aux événements du jeu.

Vous pourrez cuisiner, acheter, vendre , personnaliser et découvrir de nombreuses choses.

Le jeu est encore refait pour la 3ème fois, son devellopement a donc repris depuis 0 %. Mais sa veut dire qu'il sera de meilleur qualité et.... SUR STEAM. ( Fin j'aimerais vraiment, mais j'ai peur de pas avoir les fonds pour...)

Bref merci a ceux qui me soutienne en me disant... Quand il sort t'on jeu deja ?

Sa me fait enormement plaisir et sa m'encourage encore plus a le finir.


Le vide règne pour l'instant...

#other #gestion #sandbox


Here is the latest version! I'll post a new one on Saturday!

So have a good game! (The game will be available in English on Wednesday)

The game has been updated!

You can now use the door.

Several people will come knocking on the door to talk to you.

And also you have an energy bar to avoid too much spam.

I said I wouldn't say anything but I'm obviously lying!

In this game you will take care of an animal.

You will have to buy a lot of things from him to make him better.

As you progress, you will find plenty of things that will help you move forward.

Hi !

For the moment I do not reveal anything at all.

I'm waiting for the project to be really serious to be able to post but I really think I can do it.