Game Community
DeaNo Studios
1 Member


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You are replaying all of Five Nights at Freddy's with new Ideas and Systems.

As you travel more deeper the darker the secrets get. Find maybe some Secrets? Who knows!


The base Gameplay is already beeing worked on. Nothing playable is available yet (as of April 2024). Atleast something that is worth your Time. But well keep you updated with our Devlogs...


Great Thanks to the Devs from Horror Engine, which actually made this possible in such a fast time. As im currently learning everything...


What will probably be available is:

  • The normal Animatronic Survival

  • Many Puzzles

  • Maybe some Cutscenes

  • Various Story or soemthing like that

    And Much more!

    Who knows where it will take us too...


You can Contact me on my Discord or with deano1004

If you want to help, we are searching


#horror #fnaf #fangame #survival #puzzle #indie #firsttime #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf

Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed

So, i worked a lot the last days and i made a tutorial :D Its nit the prettiest but it is just a p.o.c to maybe a Test-Release! You can visit my Patreon and maybe join my discord If you like. Until the next Devlog :D

Hey, i was sick the last days and only got to finish the Roof and some of the lights. I still need to make a Logo and Banner for the Game. I still need to think of a design.

Follow the Game to not miss anything and visit my Patreon :D Have a nice day!

Hey Guys, a problem... Finished the walls and now i am coming closer to the AI... And the Model, actually the Animations of it are bugged. So i have to find a new Model :( well lets see how long it will take!

Contact me on Discord for Questions etc. :D

Hello my friends,

As for the games state it is getting really good. The bad side is i mever really made ai in UE5. So i will have to learn. But im trying to finish the atmosphere to finally start making screenshots.

My Patreon:

Hey again!

So the Poll is finished. Sadly only 1 voted, but it still counts! Finished the 1. Part and also started with the lights. going further into the Building and then start with the designing of the entrance. So follow me to not miss anything!