
Comments (9)

What do you think?

Can I help with project?

I found it interesting....

is the game still cancelled


This game is cancelled. Do not get high hopes anymore.

Looking forward to this game

DISCLAIMER: The game is still in development! So feel free to join our discord server in the link below, for further dev logs and details!

A planet, where grass, trees, and even people are made of metals and minerals, is shrouded in the eternal darkness of night.

The only thing that illuminates the surface of this planet are small stars.

On this planet there lives a boy named Mike, who spent all his lonely days in fear.

He never went too far from his house. Fearing that beyond the hills of the mountains something terrible might be waiting for him.

But just recently, while watching the stars, Mike noticed a new star.

It was much brighter than the others, and no matter how much the night sky revolved around the planet, This star did not move at all.

Mike knew he couldn't live his whole life in fear. And so he sets off on a journey, straight to this very star.

However, he has yet to find out what trials he is destined to go through.

For the rumble of deadly machines somewhere out there, in the distance, will very soon make itself felt...

#platformer #adventure #other

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Comical Shenanigans

Date: 17 June

Added mirroring to the character's animations.
Also added running ability for the "shift" key
(dont worry the walking animation looks bad just to make sure the walking cycle works well)


Date: 23 April

Added moving and animations

Video made by @Ivan_The_Nice_Man

Date: 5 April

Finally added resolution settings(but very strange)

Date: 5 April

Changed main manu and added more buttons

Date: 4 april

Added: Main menu music(Cathode radio - Balanced)

Date: 3 April

Added: Main Menu