Comments (52)
Okay I had just found Monika, but she easily wiped the floor with me. Is she meant to be an unwinnable boss?
Hey! I just finished this! I loved the characters, music and how you got more in depth with things. Though using RPG Maker is weird for visual novels, things really came out nice! I also feel it's a great entry to the series, I've been following for a while, and I've only now had time to really catch back up! Looking forward to playing the others later!
Some technical things I found was the radio station bug you mentioned and the ice area. It wasn't enough to turn me off, but it was a bit irritating. Maybe at sometime if you decide to work on things again you can fix it up. Overall though really liked it.
Favorite bosses would have to be Bombodia and Glacetra, to save for some of the Elemental sisters, I won't spoil much. Anyways, fantastic job again! I know it's been years since you've been working on this, but it's come a long way, and I can say I'm proud to be along for the ride!
In short, would recommend, for anyone new to the series, has it's bugs in places I guess due to the maker, but it's still a great experience given what Skytric and crew were having to work with here! Especially for an RPG Maker title.
Keep it up guys! I'll check into the other games later!
in terms of gameplay and art this was a good experience.
characters were hit and miss. ending wasn't satisfying at all.
i was impressed by dialog changing depending on what order you did things (i didn't try them all of course,but this was a nice addition to this.
dialog needs to improvement,at some points i struggled to understand what was being said.
i would not recommend this, but it was a decent experience.
intro with auto scrolling text is bad. never do this. let player advance the text.
in the renovation area,you walk right until you find a battle when check the ???. but after it you spawn in the left side for some reason.
in cyber space,turning the arrow down has no visual effect.
clicking on the ice in the weapons area didn't work well.
i really wish there was a skill that hit all enemies.
i didn't like the forced pointless battles in the enemies HQ. it just dragged the experience.
the Easter egg was amusing!
the game made kareene seem pretty useless,she didn't give you a place to rest until later. and she doesn't help with anything. instead becomes a character you need to save...though she should be Superior to you...
Gabe can use charge strike outside of battle
the area with the blimp. clicking on the shiny dots to start battles didn't work. i had to load an earlier save and try again.
during the battle with Zihark. you can win without even playing. since chris attacks outside of you and your enemies attack turn. so you just wait until zihark dies and you win.
Hey at my first look I think the story and system are good, kind of new to me. I want to play the rest of the game but resolution made me sick somehow it's 360p isn't it? I try to fullscreen already but it is not that smooth and lags black border too, would you fix this in next update pls? ;(
Hi! I am playing the demo right now and I have to say that it's quite entertaining.
Still, combat is sometimes hard to manage: enemy attacks require you to heal very often and the double bomb limit attack from Bombodia KOed me with almost half life (while I was at level 6) two times :')
I had to repeat the tutorial once because I didn't understood when to press A and the A-button sprite above the enemies is not always easily spottable.
I couldn't find items I could buy to restore MP, until now. Are they planned?
Also, I think I've found a little bug: if you go to Serenity before going to the Renovation area and battle the sentinels, the mugshot of the girl who appears afterwards is not clickable and remains there even when I go back to the city entrance.
Speaking of which, why Kareen's drone is not a key item? This is just a curiosity!
All in all, it was nice and nostalgic to revive the battle against Bombodia once more :) It's still the same feeling as in the original DT and I still feel a bit bad for her... :'/
Dream Tear - Elementar Rising - visual novel v10
Dream Tear - Elementar Rising
A visual novel/Point n Click/RPG Hybrid, game about a team of Elementar, who venture to a planet known as Terraldyn. Their mission is to seek out remnants of a force known as Alien Ministry.
Original music -
some voice acting -
sprites -
Artwork -
some, background work. -
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Brief Nudity
Suggestive Themes
Mild Language
Crass Humor