Comments (17)
I wonder what JaizKoys is gonna think about this one...

Sigma bowser ohio

I am the eggman, that’s what I am, I am the eggman, I got the master plan. (I am eggman from exetior vs bowser saving negagen featuring td2d members!!!)
3 Forces were known in the past.
until one day...a strong force shattered the realm. a strong force that destroyed several worlds...and a demon should defeat, clashing through many mortals and demons...
all of this can be stopped by the force of the 7 coins. if someone finds them, or if they fall in the wrong hands... the end of the world won't be far. #fangame #action #adventure #retro #other
The main developper = knuck (me)
the main artist (text box sprites / advertising) = billybloxxer
Logo artist = nocnoc (11zuka316 is his specific user name for discord peak shit)
the main sprite artist = jasno_miles (discord)
testers = Mumu (mumuonly) / Josiah/jojo (josiahrobinsonreal)/ soniciscoolg.
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Comical Shenanigans