
Comments (7)

What do you think?

this legit id speak spanish

Ok... Supongo que ya tener el juego

Ainsh que sad :,v

is tis game cancelled??



I want to clarify one thing, the game is original, I have no plans to win anything with this, so all rights are for Scott Cawthon.

quiero aclarar una cosa el juego es original yo no tengo pensado ganar nada con esto asi que todos los derechos es para Scott Cawthon

sorry touch something that was not planned to upload yesterday but did not go on the page set it up and now leave sorry sorry for the inconvenience :)

perdon toque algo que no era lo tenia planeado subir ayer pero no salia en la pagina lo configure y ahora sale perdon disculpen las molestias :)

after a long time I have published it