
Comments (8)

What do you think?

Looks awesome! Will it be for mobile?

This game is looking insane so far! I love the fact we are playing as Josh, The nightgaurd before Mike. I can not wait to play this game on my channel, Keep up the amazing work!

why cancel it?

when is it gonna be relesed

This is my own take on my Favorite FNaF game, Five Nights at Freddy's two! in this game you work as a night time security guard " josh " The guard before mike, survive the nights and even do after night tasks and mini games! Clean the party rooms and work on animatronics! Even put the animatronics back on stage at the end of the night! This game is being coded in ClickTeam Fusion and I CODED MY OWN animation program called CB3D to make all the images and graphics for this game. I also made all of the models and maps in the game. Thanks for viewing! And be sure to follow and like the page! #horror #fangame #survival #puzzle #retro #scifi #action #fnaf #fnaf

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Mild Language

The twist awakens....

Hello everyone! I just wanted to say some things.

GRAND RE-OPENING ( Gameplay trailer )
A gameplay trailer for my new game GRAND RE-OPENING!the game takes place before FNaF 2 and you play as Josh,the nightguard before Jeremy! Can you survive? GA...


New and Improved, ( Model by me )