Comments (5)
Ahhhhh old good times when we was making The Silver eyes and The Twisted ones in RPG style... Old Good times
I <3 the books and im happy people are making them into games! Wooooooooo
you can use whats happening for a trailer
Game Soundtrack
school theme
"Charlie is living on campus with Jessica. John also lives nearby, and Charlie starts dating him. One day Clay Burke comes to see Charlie, and brings her to see a corpse with familiar wounds. She confirms the wounds are those of a springlock failure. He also tells her a blood sample from William showed it was fake blood, and his body was never found. She later finds another body that looks a lot like her, and Clay lets her visit the victim's house. She finds three grave-sized holes in the backyard. She tries to keep this secret, but eventually it slips to John and Jessica.
Charlie and Jessica go to Freddy's again, which has been half-obliterated by a hurricane in Hurricane. In a secret storage room they find William in the Spring Bonnie suit, completely lifeless."
this game is based on the book "five nights at freddy's the twisted ones"
and i'm really hoping this fangame will be a good one cause i'm still in a learning phase so try not to judge tooooooo harshly.
thanks for reading my very short description and if your a programmer in gamemaker studio 2 then send me a message
original game and book by scott cawthon and kira breed wrisley

Draxis-artwork, sprites
Pelusathedeveloper- additional artist
karpbialy- play tester(quit)
LWG_Productions- sprite designer
TheComicSansWhoSpeaksInHands1-framework and game structure
we are requesting programmers for GML
Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Blood and Gore
Comical Shenanigans