Comments (13)

You should play Five Night's at James, NOW.
Oogaa boogaa
Oh boy! I sure can't wait for
Voice acting
Unique and fun mechanics!
Unique artstyle and humor
2 Endings
Goofy and fun characters
A shop system and much more!

Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls
Welcome to: Five Nights With James: A QUINQUENNIAL'S END
This game is the fifth installment in the Five Nights With James Series and it's the last (canon) game in the series!
This game features:
Voice acting
Unique and fun mechanics!
Unique artstyle and humor
2(?) Endings
Goofy and fun characters
A shop system and much more!
This game is going to be a fun challenge to play and you
DON'Twant to miss it!

You wanna hear the story? No..? Too bad you're getting it anyway!
After surviving 4 (and a half) years, James has had enough of you winning and has made his hardest challenge yet!
He's promised you freedom if you beat him, but will he keep his word or will you stay trapped with him and his friends again? Only one way to find out...
Jump back into the Challenge...

Thanks to:
for inspiring me to make these FNAF Fangames and for being a big supporter.
My fellow Twitch / Youtube streamers who played the games and supported them! (@IndominusWarfare
, @Ender95111
, Ohjustinx_ etc...)
My friends who allowed me to put them and their faces / voices in the game.
Voice actors:
Protagonist: TheNoteless (he's a real goat)
Old training employee: @IndominusWarfare
(YT link, Twitch link)
Phone Guy(s): @CreatorTheModerator
(me), @James_GCM
, @MidaGames
, Lewis, Dasher Time (yt link).
My friends: my friends
News reporter: Fredmister2000 (YT link, Twitch link)
ArnaudSPIDER: @arnaudSPIDER