Comments (56)
Here is my opinions on the demo
The visuals look honestly amazing here and is a huge step up from the old build. The sound design is actually really good but there are a crap ton of TRTF sounds used so I think those should be replaced along with the flashlight sound. Speaking of the flashlight it's entirely useless here as you can easily tell where Toad is. The jumpscares are pretty bad being honest. I get that animating is an extremely hard thing to do but god they look bad. I think the AI is way to aggressive on night 2 also. If you want a hard game that's alright but you should make it hard from the very start rather than having a massive difficulty spike on night 2. The mechanics should be better explained such as: Telling the player to push CTRL to quickly pull up the door panel, you have to close the right door when Toad leaves, or you have to close the right door when Luigi is in the cameras as the game makes it sound like he acts like Wario and Waluigi but he hides behind the light. This is an extremely small thing but I think there should be a black fade in at the start of the night. With all of my several nit picks aside this still is an amazing Wario's game and I can't wait to see how it'll change. Good work with this game :)
did you cancel it if so pls work on it as soon as you can
Yall need a music composer? I could show my work
wheres after the bad ending
i think the nights are waay too slow from what I saw, but I dig the graphics! althought sometimes the lighting feels a bit like deafult sun lights if you get me
Ik its a demo but I think it the difficulty is a bit too high as well, it feels fine for night 1 cuz of how slow it is, also because you usually deal with Wario and Waluigi at the same time cuz both wake up at the same time with nearly the same speed. But then Night 2 feels like a night 4 when you fill the empty gaps of the two gettin to your office with more characters
,why is Waluigi faster than Wario as well? ig it kindaa makes sense but it still feels weird with the way they are coded
Also not sure if i didnt catch somethin, but was it mentioned that Toad would come through the window? cuz as any Foxy I assumed he would go for the door lmao
But i do say everything else is pretty neat! Really like the abandoned feel the cameras have
Five Nights at Wario's: Remastered 'DEMO'
Game Soundtrack
[May ##, 2014.] Wario's Fast Food Factory has been closed for '21 years' now, left to rot after the disappearance of Wario and his crew. The factory hasn't been bought, nor remodeled into something new, due to people thinking it's cursed! The only solution is to demolish the place, which will remove the last remains of Wario's career, and to make sure that everyone will stop thinking about the past.
Before they do however, they will require someone to watch over the place before it reaches the deadline. Which is where middle aged 'Richard Mcroy' comes in! A perfect candidate to watch over the factory while they come and take what is left before it gets destroyed.
All Richard has to do is sit in the office and watch over the place to prevent anybody interfering within the work week. And how much is the pay you may ask? $250 bucks per shift! Richard should be able to handle a full week.
Like, what could possibly go wrong?…
Five Nights at Wario's: Remastered is a complete remake of the original Five Nights at Wario's by @WwwWario (Which also gave us permission to work on this game!)
Set in an alternate time period of the original, with a few twists!
DISCLAIMER!: This game has no ties to the 64th gamer nor his remaster of Five Nights at Wario's.
DISCLAIMER 2!: ANYTHING in this game is suspected to change before the final release! (Please keep that in mind.)
Development for the game started back on May 30th, 2020, And has been evolving over the years.
I hope you enjoy this game and its entirety when it comes out. So stay tuned!
Discord server: https://discord.gg/uPTuzpNMnz
@googlecorn @googlecornthe4th Director, minor coder. (Same person.)
@MHhm Lead coder, co-director, major designer, sound designer.
@Guardian-Springlock Co-co director, writer, renderer, lead designer.
@idk_an_original_name Minor coder
@LinedStorm Voice actor, phone guy.
@CLLLOBEE Trailer maker, beta tester.
@RealMarioKing Minor coder.
@Dperk Composer.
@IAmFuntime Made Freddy's tribute which this game uses many of its sound assets.
@NintendolandPikachu old lead coder and major designer
@Simone_CM old lead coder
@cubby2002 Was an old VA
@WwwWario Creator of FNAW.
AND YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!
#horror #survival #pointnclick #other #fnaw #fnawr #fangame #remastered #mystery #action #fnaf #fnaf
Cartoon Violence
Intense Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Blood and Gore