
Comments (10)

What do you think?

I have a few notes.

  • Phone calls are pretty hard to hear, could do with subtitles or something

  • If this game is meant to be at Bruno's house, why is it literally abandoned? Is that cus he can't afford to live in an actual house?

  • There's a glitch where Luigi will vanish on certain cameras such as 4 and 5 when the monitor is initially raised and will only reappear once a camera button is selected, giving the illusion that Luigi is continuously disappearing and reappearing in the building

  • What does Mario even do? He's never attacked me.

  • The AI gets too fast by Night 5 for the taser to keep up with so I did have to quit at that point.

  • There's a glitch after death where the taser button will appear on the menu screen and can be used

  • Bowser permanently disabled my taser when he got me, don't know if that's intentional

  • I do quite like the pixelated filter on the camera system though

EDIT: Forgot to mention the gameplay takes place from 12 to 6 PM but the victory screen still says 6 AM

In my opinion, this could REALLY benefit if it had original character renders. Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with using already existing ones. But I feel like the game could benefit from original renders. If it were to have original renders, maybe it would be a 1.5 update of sorts? I dunno, these are just my thoughts.

Game Soundtrack

3 songs



Bruno Gate. The man behind the killings of the famous duo, Wario and Waluigi.


He hasn't done anything to them yet. The splitting of the timeline prior to ORIGINS brought them here. They want him dead, even before he killed them.

A reimagining of the FNAW timeline split, this game shows what would've happened if Christopher Peterson got things wrong...

Defend yourself and your home in a love letter to classic FNAF fangames from 2014-18,

Don't let it get inside.

This game has been in the works since June, and I hope it turns out well!

#fangame #fnaf #strategy #horror #fnaw #pointnclick #survival

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Comical Shenanigans

Hey. This game isn't cancelled. If anyone wants to voice act a phone guy, you know who to call. Why am I typing this so professionally? I have no clue.

today marks 1 year since I made this game. i am so old and craggly-

release date will be released on a day

that hurt. so bad

dev stuff [dying inside]