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In a world where everyone is a....

/Do I need to read this? Really? Ok.../

...where everyone is an amphibian

/Isn't this a mouse's' animation company idea?/

A little green frog and he's family where sleeping until our protagonist, that little frog, wakes up because of a loud and anoying sound. In the middle of the nigth he saw a pair of ligths aproaching to the ground as fast as it could, this where two swords that hit his house and almost kill his family, once they are save, Frog...

/Who make this characers name? I whant to know him and kick him rigth now/

...go where the swords were and read in them a profecy....

/Ok this is stupid... Let me go this time with my own description of this thing.../

Hello my fellows, I'm the narratorThis is a game made by an really stupid cast that don't know what they are doing, but the epic thing of thisthing in summary is that Frog need to defeat a big threat that could destroy the entire nenufar, and he's going to make it by using two swords that almost kills him and his family that gives the power of the earth and mud to the user, so come on and help that little animal to save the butts of everyone in Bantropia!

For be clear, the name of the planet is Bantropia!

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Comical Shenanigans
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