Comments (18)
"What should you do when the world...breaks..."
I donno,like fix it?
You should update the game (Like add a multiplayer mode or like add a versus mode or something to keep us entertained until we wait for the next fenerix game :p)
This is a good game,it has potential,doe,we dont know if this is a demo,a full game,or its just in its alpha/beta states...so that makes it a not full experience...
Pretty Interesting! Using mostly all of the GM:S abilities! Really nice..Going to play sometime!
Name Your Price
Fenerix - The knight
The official release, only minor bugs to fix (Hopefully)
Game Soundtrack
01 Onwards we go
"Is this the beginning?"
Welcome into Fenerix, an universe filled with abnormalities that we will discover more in-depth as the franchise progresses, but right now, let's focus on what this is about:
Fenerix - The knight will show you what kind of universe this is, not really presenting much about its story, but rather to present you the kind of things there will be (And some fore-shadowing! wooooo~).
You are one of the selected knights that will battle in order to protect these lands from an evil force whose objective is to imprison the land, sounds like a difficult task? One against an entire army? Of course not, what are you expecting? It's a game, so it's like obvious that the player will have some way to deal with the attacking force- what do you mean that I'm getting off-track?
But yeah, as one of the selected knights, you have powers like no other mortal has, such as;
Taking their weapons at your own advantage!
Use awesome combos depending on the weapon you wield!
Cast epic elements!
Shoot lasers!
Make awesome manevours!
Find hilarious glitches- Scratch that
So use them at its best to counter-attack the attackers and send them back to where they came from, making sure that they will not attack again... Or does it end just like that?- I don't know, I'm a programmer, not a story teller. (Although I am the one responsible for this story-) Shut up, conscience.
Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed