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Control your flock to devour enemies and grow. Be careful to protect your core.

I had decent web performance but I have a pretty strong computer. If you're having lag problems, the downloadable version is available on itch and may work better for you.

Although not noted on the title screen, escape quits the game. In the WebGL version, you can refresh the page to reload the game.

The main reason I made this game was to implement flocking. After I had flocking implemented, I tried to make a game around it. Unfortunately I'm not sure I 'found the fun' in this game concept. If you have ideas about what could have made the gameplay more fun, please let me know because I couldn't figure it out in the week of the game jam. Also I welcome feedback in general, including negative feedback.

Programming - QuietBenchZen

Website -

Music and Sound - Austin Blau

Instagram - @Austin_Blau_

Website -


Background stars - Bonsaiheldin

All other art (and font) - Kenney

Created for Weekly Game Jam 203 - "Eat the Enemy"

#action #flocking #flock #swarm #swarming #grow #eat #consume #devour #topdown #score #unity #endless

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