Comments (3)
Хей привет могу ли я сделать редизайн персонажей из "пять ночей у Китти" и выложить это на свой аккаунт в геймджолт ?
Wow u uploaded the kitty series in a single day
five nights at maggies if it was made on scratch XD no offense
Five Nights At Kitty's (Official)
1976 January 22
Welcome to Kitty's And Place Friends
We have new animatronics and our friends! And come play in the play area!
And have fun! If only you could do everything!
So, meet new animatronics named “Kitty, Max, Tim and Christina, Emmett!” Five of them are friends!
This place was created for Kitty's Entertainment!
We are looking for a night guard to work from 12 to 6 am to take care of the animatronics while the pizzeria is closed.