
Comments (7)

What do you think?

seeing the screenshots, massive empty rooms feel, well empty. Best make it compact as possible and keep room sizes small and meaningful

hoping for easter eggs ngl



ngl this does look... interesting at the very least.

hope this game is good. :)


Five nights in F**kgirls 2 Amy goddess V4 Demo

Version: 4.0.0over 1 year ago
Act 1 Is only now play in different gamemode like easy,normal,hard or Extreme and some achievement to play to earn


Version: 0.1.0over 1 year ago
Download it,get the files in the patct then copy files and paste it in Fnifg amy goddess in File (data)

This Project is not cancelled it’s going to be pause for now maybe until summer you a notice. Hello Welcome to Five nigts at F**kgirls Amy Goddess RPG XV ace
This is the demo for now,im working on the full verison,you can follow if you want get a notification in the update develop peak and the full release
Masterultimate1's discord server im working on the project here too as well
The Real Original but warning its for teenagers and adult, for not kids:

reupload for fnifg 1 and 2: FNiFG 1/2 - REUPLOAD by SecurityDoll (

The One who create amy is----- @therealphantomeagle

join my discord If You want to for the original in the game of fnifg
Five nights at f**kgirls Amy goddess Full verison
*New movements
*Fixing glitches
*It have trolling in the game lol
*Face Actor in the battle
*new battle music(you haven't heard this music before)
*New Weapons
*puzzle games
*New bosses
*it will have 90 or more achivements in the game
*5 sercet achivements
Five nights at F**Kgirls Amy Goddess RPG MV
coming soon........
#rpg #puzzle #Fnia #fangame #survival #adventure #arcade #other #action #strategy #fangame #FniafanGames #adult #VS

Mild Realistic Violence
Suggestive Themes
Strong Language

I will put this to show,the progressed for the game.For The full version of the game
the 20% was the demo you yeah

Hello for the community reading this,I have some bad news to say. My Laptop I have been somehow was not working and Files are gone,I have to carry it to fix for someone who knows to fix,thanks to the guy who help to fix it. well I didn't create any backup

Sneak peak is going to be delayed because It did have a charger issue in december 21st,I got a new one on yesterday but next update sneak peak may come today or Tuesday


Act 2 sneak peak (Amy's House) (3/5)

Im doing two special edition and maybe act 2 to coming in december.
show more recent peak in update coming