When 12 am strikes...

Ding Dong! It's Time to ask y'all a question

I have new OCS ideas

Read the article:

  13 votes Voting finished

I'm sorry guys, i officially decided to left, I've also talk to my parents about it and they've both agreed with my option, so now i want you to read the article:

Hey for my birthday i want to make a art's contest, should i do it?

The hashtag will be #AmalgamaArtContest

  8 votes Voting finished

(I'm gonna update the show stage camera next weekend, i have finally made up my mind about the girls' designs, lol)

Player character concept.

Welcome to Freddy's Anime Convention! Here, i wanna make sure this is a comfortable place for any FNIA Fan!


And you fnia fans, i hope you have a good time here! If anyone is rude or offensive, racist or just a FNIA hater who comes complaining. Report it to me or @Amalgama666 and we will block em. Have a good day

Amalgama: Lara where the heack is my head?! *Just literally headless*

Lara: Uh

-Wtf rp by amalgama in person UwU

Report A community for about 3 years