
Comments (8)

What do you think?




Pretty short and sweet game, found no real issues aside from the fact that after you find your fighting spirit, encountering Gamma Chips will cause them to deal damage to you suddenly (around 130 per hit) while otherwise they deal none with Max Armour equipped.

Furthermore if you encounter these guys with Mangle in your party, she'll be gone from your team in-battle but return at your side on the overworld.

Glad to see the Good Ending final boss is a significantly nerfed version of a certain character. Otherwise it would have been pure RNG even with max armour and XL-Pizza's whether you live or die.

Not sure what triggers the Good Ending specifically. Do you need to kill Mangle or Toy Freddy before Toy Chica? Maybe even both?

It would have been a neat eye for detail if the characters you save by putting them in your bag, would also show up in your inventory as key items but oh well.

Is there ANY way to beat the ground terrorists or is it just a hopeless boss battle to keep the player in line?

That leaves me to ask one last thing : how much merit is there to the "to be continued" message after the credits?

this is cool but its hard


Golden Freddy Stops a terrorist attack on his Trip to Hawaii

Version: 0.1.0over 3 years ago

Have you ever wanted to have the powers of a house? or the ability to put someone into a bag? maybe even stop a terrorist attack? well if you answered yes to all three of those Golden Freddy Stops a Terrorist Attack on his Trip to Hawaii is the game for you.
Golden Freddy stops a terrorist attack idk what to tell you
#fnafb #fnaf

Mild Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Mild Language
Crass Humor


oh no i didn't make this a day ago this game's been finished for like, idk almost a couple of months now, i just chose to finally upload it now