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Gameboy Advance Music Chrono Series

Version: 0.1.07 months ago
You need a GBA emulator to use this file! on your phone or your PC How to play the player: Left: previous track Right: next track L: seek left R: seek right Select: lock/unlock controls Start: pause/resume playback A+B+Select+Start: reset GBA, such as to exit to your loader menu

Do you miss some old 90's video game Square Enix soundtracks such as Chrono Series(Cross and Trigger) from era of snes and playstation times?

Over and now you had all playlist soundtracks of Chrono series even the arrangement ,symphony versions and the best of MusicBox series mix musics on official gameboy advance iso!

And what it comes next:Castlevania,starfox,underrated vg ost?who knows?

Like comment and share with others and check my projects too #retro #arcade #gba #gameboyadvance #music #homebrew #platformer #playstation #ps1 #nintendo

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