The story takes place in a graveyard, where a scientist, Dr. Rise and his assistant, you the protagonist, was working on an experiment on trying to make the dead live, and it works, but not in a good way. It raise the whole graveyard and went to go attack them and Dr. Rise and you hide in a room and locked the door. But it didn't work it, they were busting down the door. Dr. Rise saying to the you, "Go and find the weapon storage and prepare yourself, Go and Good Luck." As soon you go to the hidden door to the storage room the zombies broke down the door and devoured Dr Rise in a second and you then supplied yourself with the weapons and medkits. Then you went to a path and it went to outside and then the door suddenly shut and you were lock outside in the graveyard and all you have is your weapons and one medical kit. So in situations like this all you need to do is to go full Guns and Blazin'!!!!!