
Comments (8)

What do you think?

Hello there, I'm one of the writers of Luna Game 3D 's story. I'm curious to see what you have done here xD

I'll let MrYossarian know about this if I find it interesting. No pressures ^^'

Dude, I've wanted a crossover like this for years!

I'm really excited to play this, and please take your time with this! Good luck man.

RGGS-RTP Standard not found.

Please install theĀ RTP setupĀ from the official RPG Maker website. Make sure to install itĀ BEFORE running the game!Ā The game will not run if theĀ RTPĀ is not installed!Ā You will receieve an error statingĀ "RGSS104E.dll is missing"Ā if youĀ DON'T GET THEĀ RTPĀ FIRST!!!

Inspired By MORƘ's series, "Indie Cross."

A human named Andrew can't remember who he is and finds himself stuck going through portals in order to find his way back home. But... these worlds he explores through are more than what he expected...

#action #fangame #horror #adventure #rpg #mylittlepony #mlp #mario #mariothemusicbox #sonicthehedgehog #sonicexe #crossover #survival #lunagame #strategy #rpgmaker

I suggest you play these games so you have context for each game:

Luna Game 3D: Luna Game 3D by MrYossarian - Game Jolt

(Mario) The Music Box -ARC-: Team Ari - MTMB Arc Spoiler Warning (

Sonic.EXE: SONIC 2011 (Sonic.exe Official Game) by GammaEpsilon - Game Jolt

NOTE: This game is not accociated with Mr.Yossarian, Team Ari, or GammaEpsilon. This game is just made a nice tribute to Horror Fangames.

Intense Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans

What are some criticisms you had with the Luna Game 3D chapter of HFF that I can improve upon in the (M)TMB ARC chapter?

Great news everybody! LiNX4 has played Horror Fangame Frenzy and has uploaded a playthrough on his YouTube channel!

Check it out here!

So I just found out that someone made a page on a website called that features HFF on it.

To whoever did this, I'm flattered and all. But please ask before presenting my game on another site. šŸ˜…

I'm sure some of you are thinking that once I finish Horror Fangame Frenzy, I might make a sequel in the future someday.

My answer is, unfortunately no.

I only see HFF as a one-n-done game that's made as a love letter to Luna Game, (M)TMB, and Sonic.EXE.

It begins...

"Dimostrami che non c'ĆØ peccato dentro di te, viaggiatore dimensionale."

Happy 9th anniversary to (Mario) The Music Box!

Sorry if you're all waiting for updates on chapter 2, I'm still currently on hiatus before I work on it.

Its hard to stay motivated when you're the only one developing the game.

Okay, NOW it's out... ^^;

The Frenzy has begun...

Luna Vector - Frown Factory

Pinkamena Vector - Triox404

After the Luna Game 3D chapter releases I'm gonna take a long break before I work on the (M)TMB chapter considering how much it took for me to make.