
Comments (4)

What do you think?

how many nights does this game have because I do speedrun

Welcome to frosty's iceberg!

this is a new game its gonna be added because the poll has won

this is a fnaf game!


The game is about a fox investigating an iceberg and then there is a fox named frosty fox!


2008 December 4th so there was an important investigation so you where sent to los foxo icey towers and you see an arctic fox who has been killing anything that would come to this iceberg so Steven johns panics and then its too late

your helicopter has flyed away so you try to find some clues or stuff to show to the police so you need 4 things to show proof to police so you explore the iceberg and you make sure you dont get caught by frosty fox so you have to sleep in a fox burrow and you light your self candles to keep yourself worm and then police helicopters rescue you and then you tell your mates what was going on!

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed
Mild Language

The game releases today!
