
Comments (1)

What do you think?

tell me in the comments if anything is wrong with the game and what we need to fix it is still in its beta

this is a text based game the base was made by @vectory but that has mostly been overwritten now thank you tho vectory for your help in starting this up! #textadventure #undertale #fangame #rpg

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence

hey everyone! i updated it! haha! it took so long but hey i went and scraped the whole visual rpg and and decided to go back to the original concept and i went and updated the demo so its better and it has a bit of new content hope you all like it!.

heya ive made some progress sorry things are taking a whille tho im kind of close of finishing the game. tho it probably wont release yet, theres still alot of things i need to finish on it and such, it will probably release next year if im fast enough

so sorry i didnt say this but happy new year guys happy 2024 development has been insane for this and its taking a whille so im sure this year i will be able to finish and release it anyways thats all from me see you all next time i post a thing here

merry xmas everyone!! ive been working on the game ive gotten a bit of progress so this thing is still going on see you all soon byeee! also sorry i made this late

i wont be working on this for a whille because i have alot of things i have on my mind so if you want to see more imaginationTale stuff well i have a youtube channel hope you guys enjoy the content till i continue working on this

if you were waitin for updates well ive been still trying to find a perfect game engine for this thing 2nd ive been trying to find a good program to make sprites in im probably gonna use krita or paint or somthing else seeing you soon for the next update

THE GAME hAS BEEN REVIVED BOIZ this game is going to be made i figured out a really good engine to make this game and ill be doing the whole thing! it will be a 2d game and not a text based one just like the undertale one! its gonna be great stay tuned!

im shuting the project down maybe in a year or 2 ill actually get somone who comments here to say they want to help make the game untill then the game has stoped but if your intrested in other things im doing i have a youtube!

man its been way tooooo long ive decided to stop the production untill we can get a coder cuz idk how to code so if you would like to be a coder for this game put a comment on this saying you do anyway have a nice day byeee!

sadly still waiting on a coder