
Comments (1)

What do you think?

I like how it looks (:

This is a game review website with some social media like aspects

main goals to be added to the site (will get crossed out when its added):

  • account verification

  • Great and secure admin panel (I'll show that some times)

  • followers and friends

  • Block lists

  • For-You-Page like system

  • messaging between people (wont have images because im not dealing with that)

  • fixing the profile pictures (that already exist but dont work)

  • changing the COOKIES into a SESSION based website (security maybe)

    I'll add or remove things from this depending on things that happen while doing this.


I thought for the website to have something people can review that I've created. So I thought I would create on the side a game that would be intergated with the site.

if you have any thoughts please tell me :)

I'm going to add a game to website. like maybe us the new version of the FoodFight(W.I.P name) you login with your JustAlotOfGames account.

I may create it so if you havent played the game it doesn't show up on your account until you do. Thoughts?


I've added the ablility to have ad stops and I'm trying not to be egregious with them just need somewhere to hold them so that I can accually make some money from this and now just loose it.

p.s. hope you liked the video

Heres a link to the placeholder page. it was a old github project but i've changed it to fit a nice ish placeholder.
hope you enjoy linktree but worse.. lol

A Cool Idea:
What if I made a game that is conencted to the main site. As in a game that is made and you can login with your account from the site and play as you wish and people could see your progress in the game. e.g. your time played and achievements