Comments (1)
Wow! Really interesting game.
Portuguese - Lumini perdeu sua luz. A única maneira de consegui-la é através das algas luminescentes... a menos que retome a pérola que lhe dá a luminescência permanente. Mas, para isso, Lumini precisa enfrentar os guardiões que estão obstinados a impedi-lo de chegar ao seu objetivo final.
English -Lumini has lost his light. The only way to get it is through the luminescent algae ... unless you pick up the pearl that gives you permanent luminescence. But for this, Lumini must face the guardians who are obstinate to prevent him from reaching his final goal.
Jam Year: 2018
DESIGN - Created by Warren Robinett
NARRATIVE - Hidden Depths
Game Designers and Managers: Danilo Lopes e Jessica Bastos
2D Artists: Flavio Mattos e Giulia Sotero
3D Artists and Programmers: Caio Filizola e Marcelino Borges
Sound Artist: Vinícius Virtuoso
Special Thanks to Pedro Barbosa Queiroz for give tips for animation in Blender.