
Comments (2)

What do you think?

Hope you're successful in everything that you do

Un científico mago hizo un experimento que abrió un portal interdimencional que causó una catástrofe en el mundo, seres de muchas dimensiones entran a la tierra, y el mago tiene que encontrar la manera de cerrar el portal, y llevar todos esos monstruos a dónde pertenecen, o tal vez no...

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A wizard scientist did an experiment that opened an interdimenational portal that caused a catastrophe in the world, beings of many dimensions enter the earth, and the magician has to find a way to close the portal, and take all those monsters where they belong, or maybe not...

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#action #rpg #strategy #fantasy #retro

the game is an RPG, with 2D platformer battle mechanics (bosses only)

------------------------------------work team-------------------------------------

Music by: NapGap 🎶

Edition: offinticur 🎬

Art: TheFoxHH 🎨

Programming and pixelart: Pandatroll 💻

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Alcohol Reference
Tobacco Reference
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans
Simulated Gambling
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