
Comments (2)

What do you think?

i fucking hat this guy, but buy his game


Maki, it's a game

In a town where strange occurrences happen, mass hysteria and panic have started to affect the citizens' daily lives, yet strangely, you don't share that same panic and Pandæmonium; Instead, you feel that something is guiding you to something bigger, to something that has been planned for longer than you think.

Due to this, it's up to you, Maki, to do something about it. Do what? We don't know yet.

[still in rlly early development]

#rpg #retro

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Comical Shenanigans

I felt like the battle portrait looked kinda weird, it didn't feel like Maki was actually in the foreground battling, idk how to describe it but I changed it to an actual portrait like in Omori. pls send suggestions on how I could improve it, thx.

Merry Christmas, made a new enemy encounter, Holiday Cheer, followed by her elves and reindeer, I haven't made their sprites tho. Have a happy holiday.

Something I found in a ton of RPGs are dialogue portraits. I feel like its a good way to display the finer details of a character's design when they're not in sprite form. Here are the portraits for Maki and a shopkeeper im making
#RPG #Art

Working on some businessmen based enemies, idk what kind of area they can be added in, maybe a corrupted megacorp building.