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Marson and Sairah Into Modness
OH NO BRO! Marson and Sairah (and a few other random characters) are trapped inside a Baldi's Basics mod and they are unaware of it and it's up to you, yes you, to free them and yourself by, you guessed it. Collecting all the notebooks (Which are folders in this mod) and exiting the schoolhouse while Marson, Sairah and all the others try to stop you. BUT I BEVLIVE IN YOU!
#horror #other #BaldisBasics #Mod #Baldi #Fecal #Funny #Fard #BaldisBasicsMod
@RedBeanieDude - For Making this epic mod
@mystman12 - For making the original game and the Baldi's basics series as a whole
Mild Cartoon Violence
Sexual Violence
Suggestive Themes
Mature Humor