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AVISO! Este juego no es mio, es de la famosa compania Electronic Arts, Aunque realmente solo vengo a resubir el juego porque este juego realmente ya no es posible reencontrarlo una ves mas, en fin, si tienes problemas en el juego avisame :).

CREDITOS A: EA Black Box, Iron Monkey Estudios, y Ea Vancouver.

WARNING! This game is not mine, it is from the famous company Electronic Arts, although I really only come to resubmit the game because this game is not really possible to find it once again, anyway, if you have problems in the game let me know :).

CREDITS TO: EA Black Box, Iron Monkey Studios, and Ea Vancouver.






(i hope the game is not banned)

Mild Realistic Violence
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans

so well, i wanted to create the game, but, only one thing guys, i hope you can play da gaem