Comments (842)

A nice meme for everyone.

POV: Sonic was denied entrance to Wendy's for not wearing a mask
I can't get over this game's sprites. They're phenomenal! I'm planning to play this on an upcoming stream, and it's safe to say this one's really promising!
to everyone saying "Is ThE gAmE cAnCeLeD"-
No. the game is still happening. No one said it was cancelled, and its probably taking a while because GAMES TAKE TIME TO MAKE. WHY IS THIS SUCH A FORGIEN CONCEPT?
So yeah pc port is still happening
When I first started playing, yes it got creepy as soon as it knew my name. But when it got to the part where it froze or something, I was like, "Maybe if I close the game, something different will happen". Tried that, it failed. I opened it again, same thing went down. So I left the game open, and clicked on the txt file. When I did, I heard a strange sound. I looked back at the game, the game litterally got ticked off at me. I kept going, and it got worse. That scared me so bad, I quickly closed the game, being too scared to know what happens next. So in short terms, this game is amazing. 4th wall breaking is the only way to spook a few gamers here and there :D Well done my dude
SonicPC Demo
The SonicPC Team Creators
Musician and Sprite artist
Sprite artists
Voice actors
-☆CO Lullaby Spirit☆
Music credit:
-"Drowning music" by FirsEncounterAssault