Comments (9)
Ayy happy to see this patience soul take returning! I always thought this had some potential, but the demo was very flawed and had much to be desired. Glad you guys got permission to continue the legacy for the guy. I'm sure he'd appreciate it
hello, i am planning on making the remake myself, i already made music and some ideas, and i even want to team with another developer, can you answer my questions?
Do you have experience?
Do you have skills to code the game?
What do you do?
Do you have anything made for the game yet?
Will you do it alone or searching for developers?
Hello, welcome back!
Glad someone is continuing this, I was heartbroken when I heard the creator passed away. I was going look into to who I would ask about continuing it myself in their legacy cause I loved this project, Then I saw this. I'd still honestly like to help out where I can so if there is any way you think I can, please let me know!
Still *waiting* for the next news...
Reborn of UNDERTALE Patience, in the honor of @The_Senti_Master !
A fangame prequel of #UNDERTALE where you control a human being who falls underground in a world of monsters! (Seems familiar, huh?) #fangame #rpg #undertale #patience