Paw Fishing
Game Soundtrack
A game still fully in development about tigers fishing in various places around the world. You play as a tiger eventually researching gear through aqua exploration and developing technology through studying the creatures in the ocean. The setting is on a planet of tigers who have developed advanced technology to aid in their ocean exploration.
The game is in Pre-Alpha, with fish catching functionality and fish releasing functionality fully implemented. There is an inventory system, some text, unique music for each area, auto-saving, hand drawn assets, etc. The game is intended for Android and iOS eventually, but currently very much in the development state and hence I wanted to allow play on Windows too. Some fish icons still need to be added, and many more locations to come. There are currently only two available destinations in this build, since I wanted to work out the bugs completely before expanding on the locations.
This is a pretty bare-bones representation of the game. I hope to have close to 30-40 locations with 8-10 unique fish for each one. I'm working on the gear and research system right now, and plan on expanding the level/locations asap too.