
Comments (2)

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It looks REALLY WONDERFUL for gj. Good luck with the development bro!

Ждем, это что то большое

The expected release date is November 2024. Subscribe to the game or bookmark it so you don't miss the biggest project on GameJolt.

Find yourself in a fictional country of the VMR, part of whose territory is occupied by the people of the ESA - terrorists who control the people with the inability to leave their borders.

The company, under the guise of the police, forbids people to move freely through the streets to prevent attempts to escape and reveal the truth about what is happening. However, they not only control the population, but also actively cover up the traces of their crimes so that the rest of the world does not find out about what is happening.

You become the main character of the game - a man who decided to go against the terrorist regime and reveal the whole truth about their crimes. You will have to fight enemies, complete tasks and explore the city to collect clues and evidence of what is happening on the VMR. You must find allies among the residents of the city, who also suffer from the control of the company, and unite with them in the struggle for freedom. #adventure #shooter #action

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