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Piggy Remake (Windows)

Version: 1.2.2about 1 month ago
Download Piggy Remake here For windows! What this version contains: -House chapter 1 map. -Bot mode -Player mode -Player + bot mode -All 4 main skins. -Online mode -Singleplayer mode (Offline) -Options/Settings menu -Exit button

Piggy Remake (Android)

Version: 1.0.0about 2 months ago
Download Piggy Remake here For Android! What this version contains: -House chapter 1 map. -Bot mode -Player mode -Player + bot mode -All 4 main skins. -Online mode -Singleplayer mode (Offline) -Options/Settings menu -Exit button

Welcome to PIGGY remake!

This game its orginally made by Minitoon. All credits to him and his team.

ATTENTION! This is version 1.2 of the project so expect a less bugs and errors than 1.0, but the game might not be bug free at all In this version it actually contains 3 map and 4 game modes "Bot, Player, Player + Bot and Helper".
In future updates, new content will be added to the game. Will you be brave enough to survive against Piggy and discover the mystery behind the infection? now in a new way!

-What is this? This is Piggy remake! A version of piggy that tries to imitate the old piggy from 2020, but with some graphic and playable changes.

-Why does this exist? This is an "experiment" to see if piggy can work outside of the roblox platform.

-Why should I try this game? There really is no reason to play this version of piggy over the original, but if you want to try a different piggy this is your game!

-Changes compared to the original version in this version of Piggy and tried to do everything possible to make the game as easily playable as possible with some changes in the character's physics and minor details, Some other features it includes are:

-Dynamic character height.
-special vision of infected
-Survivor model more in line with the piggy universe
-special abilities for the infected.
-and more things!

I will add more stuff that minitoon didnt added such skins, and other stuff, but i will also add my own original concepts, If you see your idea here and I didnt give any credits that means I didnt saw it, and i thinked it by myself. If i take someones idea i will give credits.

If this game is bad I want to apologize. I am very young and online games are very difficult to make. I will try to improve the game over time.

(If you want to play this game ONLINE you will need to do prot forwarding or use an aplication like "Radmin VPN" or "Hamachi" otherwise you will have to play the game using LAN.)

#fangame #horror #survival #action #shooter #multiplayer

Mild Fantasy Violence
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