Lisa Pointless in Bashful 1.7.0 (Current Build)
Version: 1.7.0almost 3 years ago
Adds Shurik from the following mod.
Adds various improvements including bug fixes, icons for prison garb, and pre battle quotes for all party members by FUnterore.
Thanks a ton to both Funtermore and Mr. Monotone.
Lisa Pointless in Bashful 1.6.1
Version: 1.6.1almost 3 years ago
Literally fixes the icon for the gold watch and nothing else.
Because it bugs me THAT MUCH!
I hate icons and iconsheets so much.
Editing them is hell, I hate it to much, I almost canned this mod SOLEY because of iconsheet issues. That's why the iconsheet looks so weird, icon keep clipping into each other so I remove parts of unused icons that cause issue.
And that's your fun fact of the day.
Have fun I hope ya enjoy the game if ya ain't played it yet.
Lisa Pointless in Bashful 1.6.0
Version: 1.6.0about 3 years ago
Adds Trauma based on Lisa the Pointless Traumatized by Time Regime and an infinity Alex truck sprite by alter reaper. Unless someone gives me prisoner garb falling and fallen sprites for Alex or finds a bug this is it the mod is done.
Have fun.
But if someone makes those sprites please lemme know I would like to put em in. But that would for real be the last thing.
I did not playtest a full run with each trauma so, uh, good luck. If anyone makes vids on beating the game with those I would love to see em.
Again I hope you enjoy this was a ton of fun to make and play. I hope it brings you joy too.
Lisa Pointless in Bashful 1.5.0
Version: 1.5.0about 3 years ago
Adds Copper Silver from a mod by AAA, Sie, and Stag. Fixes various bugs. Nerfs infinity route Hugo. Removes Arnold's health regen.
Lisa Pointless in Bashful 1.4.4
Version: 0.1.0about 3 years ago
Improved infinity route fishman scene by HeatnixZ aka Clint Moss (thanks a ton dude) and a dialogue change when examining the corpse next to the warden fight.
Unless something breaks or I get some huge idea this is the final build.
Lisa Pointless in Bashful 1.4.3
Version: 1.4.3about 3 years ago
Adds prison garb sprites for pretty much everyone. They are done by Kacp3rrak, thanks a done dude they look amazing.
Lisa Pointless in Bashful 1.4.2
Version: 1.4.2about 3 years ago
Buffs the punchy man by giving him boxer stance, fixes a bug with Hugo, buffs Hugo in normal route, Alex in darkness sprites, and an Alex truck sprite (Shoutouts to Alterreaper for the bug fixes and sprites thanks a ton man.)
Lisa Pointless in Bashful 1.4.1
Version: 1.4.1about 3 years ago
Bug fixes, graphic corrections, and superboss rebalances.
Lisa Pointless in Bashful 1.4.0
Version: 1.4.1about 3 years ago
Fixes a critical bug that caused many party members not to appear and includes two new superbosses. However they have NOT been tested and their drops have the wrong icons. You may encounter bugs with them, but the party member bug was to severe to ignore.
I will be patching this as soon as humanly possible.
Lisa Pointless in Bashful 1.3.0
Version: 1.3.0about 3 years ago
Nerfs Infinity Alex, adds Imp D, and a Climbing Sprite for Infinity ALex (shoutouts to Spectrereaper aka. Alterreaper thanks a ton.)
Lisa Pointless in Bashful 1.2.0
Version: 1.2.0about 3 years ago
Adds an infinity route.
Yes it's buggy but I'm taking a break and would rather people be able to play a fun but jank version than have to wait.
Known issues.
Infinity Alex can't do the first cave puzzle (but I may leave that as is because that fight is easy either way), he has no climbing sprite, and upon getting off the bottom of a rope his face sprite becomes normal Alex.
Otherwise it's good to go and pretty fun.
I hope you enjoy.
Also fixed a bug where you could fight Hugo over and over.
Lisa Pointless in Bashful 1.1.1
Version: 1.1.1about 3 years ago
Fixes a bug from 1.1.0 where you would turn invisible after beating the secret boss.
Lisa Pointless in Bashful 1.1.0
Version: 1.1.0about 3 years ago
Adds Salt Crab, a secret boss, and guard now restores 5sp.
Lisa Pointless in Bashful 1.0.0
Version: 1.0.0about 3 years ago