Comments (10)
I love how badass like, not infinitized Arnold is. Actual chad, also it'd be groovy to see a full game with the roles switched up, like Chris Belluci as Joel or smth like that I dunno, just a thought not a recommendation of any sort.
this really needs a balance, especially on the arnold part
You can get soft locked as Alex during the fight
hahaha alex goes op

When ur gaming chair is so much GOD level, u beat him in yo 1st phase
[1.0] Garden's Butterfly
Take off that jersey! Shave off that human body! Fight a martial artist's duel, by these steep, steep cliffs!
Wield the fists of the rescued one, or taste them.
Thrust a blow into the lost one, or shield it.
Sting like a bee.
The LISA franchise is made by Austin Jorgensen. LISA: The Pointless is made by Edvinas Kandrotas and co. SOWTS is made by JCJimmy and his merry crew. Additional assets were made by AAA, CaneB, Space Communist or me! This game was playtested by Nero Steinsberg, SpecterReaper and Funtermore.