Punch Out!! MINI
Z/C - Body Shot
Up+Right - Right Jab
Up+Left - Left Jab
C - Right Hook (Only When Full Ko Bar)
Left - Dodge Left
Right - Dodge Right
Punch-Out!![a] is an 1984 arcade boxing video game by Nintendo. It was the first in a series of Punch-Out!! games.
The arcade game was a global commercial success, becoming the top-performing arcade game of 1984 in the United States. It produced an arcade sequel known as Super Punch-Out!!, a spin-off of the series titled Arm Wrestling, a highly popular version for the NES originally known as Mike Tyson's Punch Out!!, and Super Punch-Out!! for the SNES.
i worked hard so please share it and star. even though its not the best.
1+2 - InsTant Sandman Knockdown
8 - Full Ko Power #arcade #punchout #retro #sports #strategy