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Purgatory RPG

Version: 0.4.2over 4 years ago

This is an RPG set in my own fictions/unreleased web comic, i'm just posting this on GameJolt to let my friends play it and to have a place to post updates and whatnot. I will never sell this game for money so dont worry, this is a 100% free independent project for fun. #adventure #rpg

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Alcohol Reference
Tobacco Reference
Comical Shenanigans

Purgatory RPG Beta Build 0.4.0 is up!
New Areas, enemies, items, followers, bosses, the whole shebang! View more detailed patchnotes in game from Voidinfo in the overworld.

Beta build 0.3.0
-Syrana added, and has a quick quest to become a party member

-New area: Cardboard ruins, with new enemies and a proper boss battle with a character with custom overworld sprite and portrait

-General fixes and imrpovments

Just released the new build (beta 0.2.0)
Heres what was added:
-Luca, Lua, and Null all interactable, one acting as a psuedo shopkeep

-Expanded Household

-Enemy spawns added, and a secret boss fight
-Weapons and healing items

-Two new areas

Amazing pixel art by my friend Chandesam, just testing out some enemies rn

Current goals for next build:
-All 4 NPCs (Luca, Lua, Syrana, Null) Added in a completed state

-Items and Weapons to play with
-More atmosphere
-Add the Black Beach Location with Enemy Encounters

- Intro Dialogue for Voidina