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Golden Sheepy's jumpscare.

Game Soundtrack

2 songs

Main Menu [Bad Dream]

In 1988, you just got out of college and you don't have a job yet. When you were watching TV, and add popped up about a company opening a place named "Sheepy's Fun World", where kids can have fun, eat pizza, and play with the mascots. Those mascots are named Sheepy the sheep, Beary the bear, Mrs Flamingo the flamingo, CatBo the cat, and Dogo the waitress dog. You decided to go there for a job. You are placed to watch the place, props, and the evil mascots that are hungry for blood. What will go wrong?


You may be asking, "how to i play this game?". Well, it's easy!

[SPACE] to close and open the gate door.

Press the [RIGHT] red button to closed right door.

Press the [LEFT] red button to closed left door.

Press the [RIGHT] white button to use light on the right door.

Press the [LEFT] white button to use light on the left door.

Press [A] to turn off fan.

Press [S] to turn on fan.

Hold [Wind up generator] button to wind up the generator. [THIS IS ONLY FOR NIGHT 3,4,5,6,7.

Hover over [CAMERA] button to flip it on/off.


You might what to know how to get rid off the evil kill robots! I'll tell you!

Sheepy- He will slowly get closer to you office. one point, he can choose where he can go. When he's on cam 6, he can pick the right hallway [CAM 9] or the gate in front of you. When's he's at you right door, close it as fast as you can but if he gets to your gate instead, he'll run to any door to his left and right. When he run to the right or left closed according door. You'll have to do this 4 time until Sheepy goes back to his stage.

Beary- He is very similar to Sheepy in a different way. He'll try to get closer to your office. He can pick between the gate or the left door. If he picks the left door, close it as fast as you can before he kills you. If he gets to your gate instead, close that gate.

Mrs. Flamingo- She very simple to deal with. She'll get closer to you office as time pasts. She make her way to your right door. If shes there, close the right door.

CatBo- He'll wait in this play room [CAM 5]. Slowly, he'll get closer to the camera on cam 5. When hes gone and you here him running close the left door as fast as you can!

Dogo- She'll start at her cam [CAM 10]. Like the others, she'll get closer to your office. She can pick to go in the gate or the left door. If she's at your left door, close it. If she's to fat and lazy, she'll pick the gate. If she's at you gate, close it.


Thanks to MrJimmy5 for voice acting and making the two characters, Beary and Flamingo!

His scratch account-

Thanks to @realscawthon for FNAF. We miss you!

Now.. Let the horror begin!

Any bugs need to be reported to me.

#fnaf #fangame #horror #other

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Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed

Five Nights at Sheepy's [PAUSE 1] may be coming out on a Friday or the weekend.