
Silly Coin Collector
A simple and enjoyable platform game with plenty of secrets to be discovered by an unamed pirate explorer!
Get all golden coins of each level to proceed and, at the end, checkout if you've beaten the current high score!

Yo Ho, Yo Ho!
Tip: to achieve higher scores, finish it faster and unlock the maximum number of secrets you can.
It is my first game, so, if you catch any bugs, please let me know.
 Download the "*.RAR" file from this page;
Wait until the download finishes and open 'Download' folder;
Unzip the "*.RAR" file to a folder of your preference;
 Double-click on "*.exe" and have fun!
OBS.: Or you can just open the ".RAR" file and directly click on "*.exe". I think it will work too!

#retro #arcade #platformer #thirdperson #singleplayer #puzzle