cool and it's done in 2 hours
umm This is a simple first game i made so dont expect muchControls :A and D to stear left and rightS to brakerestarts automatically#other
Hi ehhhh i'm back on working on my project eh yeah
Hellouu Good news everyoneoke i now consider this game to be in a stable so i will only make small to medium changes like making the game longer, new levels may be, a victory point or something and new obstacles.
hi ehh new really small updatei added a brake button …Things addedbrake
Hellouu a new update is hereThis is not a “big” update the only things i added is a score counter thing and some new things on the mapThings addedUi/score counternew obstacles
HELLLOUU ima work on a updateOke right now im trying to make some sort of ui or score thingand im gonna make the later part a little easier