Comments (17)
I love the way this game looks! There's something i can help you with?
The game is AMAZING! Good graphics, good gameplay, everything. Giving the player a Variety of weapons and attacks you have AND earn, makes the game have NON-STOP action all around. Downside is that the controls for keyboard/controller are a bit confusing when you first play, but after you play it for a while, it becomes natural. The graphics and art are amazing, just needs to be cleaned up a bit. Fix those and this game has potential to be one of the biggest games out there.
The game has a rich player character control system, dashing, blocking, double jump and much much more. This leaves the player with a lot of options to choose from when approaching and give problem/enemie, it makes the game very interesting since there is always some new move to discover and practice to give the player a leading edge in combat or to resolving a puzzle. If not clear until now, I thing player moves variety is a great thing for a game. On the downside the controls feel somewhat clunkie, smother more tight movement would be better. Overall great work :-)
Looks cool!