
Comments (3)

What do you think?

I like the art and the atmosphere this has so far. Just a question, is this intended to be somewhat like a cinematic platformer (similar to something like Abe's Oddysee or Limbo) cause i think that would be a good direction to take. Otherwise, a regular platformer with an emphasis of story would be cool. Look forward to seeing what this becomes!

hello, have a nice day

This game is still in development

Space is enormous, and filled with mysteries, big and small.
What lies behind the next door?
Start your adventure and discover mysteries on a spaceship, on the other planets...

The first game I ever released, I am a bit nervous coz this is the first time ever my game will saw the world
Fell free to comment and tell me what you think of it.

Game will be updated and (I hope) will become better!


Nothing has been posted to this project page yet. Check back later!