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Space Invader: Legacy Of The Space Dinosaur

Version: 3.0.0about 3 years ago

How to play:

-Left click on the ship at the start to change ship.

-Arrow to move( For computer) and Mouse down or Tap( For Mobile)

-Shoot laser and avoid Rock And Space Dinosaur

-Pick Item to increase the damage by 0.5, start damage is depending on your hangar level.

- Pick Healing Orb to restore 10 hp

-You can buy Missile( Key 1 to use, Strike nearby enemy by 5x10xPlayer Damage upon impact) and Nuclear( Key 2 to use, Explode after a short delay for charge and hit all enemy on the screen for 500xPlayer Damage), Rocket barrage( Key 3 to use, Fire 100 rockets at the lock on area that deal 2.10 damage in a very small area per rocket) and Penetrating Laser(Key 4 to use, deal a small amount of damage to dinosaur but destroy rock instantly in a penetrate line area).

-Boss will appear every 90 seconds in Endless mode. it have x10 normal dinosaur hp and powerful attack.(20% to spawn an Ultimate Boss that have x1000 normal hp health and more powerful attack, but give more points)

-Ultimate Boss spawn in the last wave of the last small mission each, also in boss fight mode mission (Ultimate boss is totally super strong, even max level hangar can't kill it easy, Ultimate boss have a lot of hit point and immune to stun of poison cloud)


- Multi Laser Damage Won't Stack On The Same Enemy Hit, Just Allow You To Hit Multi Enemy, Not Multi Damage(Except Light Storm, damage can stack by 3 beam)

- Enemy Will Become As Strong As Time

-Top 5 Highest score in three Mission mode, Boss Fight mode and Endless mode will save on Leaderboard.

-There are 15 type of ship: Default( Other name is Laser Rocket, shoot laser to enemy and can increase laser number and damage by upgrade), Light Storm( Use laser beam instead of laser bullet, hit enemy instant from distance, and increase damage by upgrade, can launch up to 3 beam when reach 3 attack damage), another one is Bomber( fire a whole missile that deal a great damage in a big area per second. Strong against dinosaur but weak against meteor, increase damage by upgrade). Three more is Rapid Ship( Which can fire at high rate and deal high damage, can't deal area damage and can fire a laser each 5 upgrade and then reset back the fire rate to smallest rate, but increase 2 damage and Laser size. This ship also the only have Special Ability with 45s cooldown), Dark Ship(have 5% to deal critical damage that damage enemy it hit for 10% of enemy max hp(this effect doesn't apply on Ultimate Boss), also can summon the Dark Zone that attack enemy randomly on the map with total 10x5x60 damage by Dark Blast, each blast deal 10x5 and heal you half of your current health) and next one is Bio Ship(have 33,3% to set enemy size, max hp and hp to half of each by a Bio-Blast, if the enemies don't being decrease size, max hp and hp, it will take 20 damage, the boss can't being smaller so it take 40 damage each blast). Lightning Ship(Which use lightning orb to attack and have an ability that deal 100 damage to all enemy on the screen, but doesn't effect to the meteor.). Charm Ship( can charm and hypnotize enemy, charm enemy will take more damage as much as Small Charm Orb they take, Large Charm Orb will have 33,3% to stun enemy for a little while and have 5% to Hypnotized enemy that make enemy to fight by your side, the Hypnotized enemy will more power and can not come back.). And Toxic Ship(Which use poison to damage enemy, have a small chance to fire a Toxic Grenade that create a Poison Blast on impact deal area damage, also create Poison Cloud that deal damage and stun all enemy on it path for a short duration, the fire rate of Poison Cloud will reduce with more upgrade you have, up to 5s/Cloud, Special ability of this ship have 50% to cast Poison Nuke and 50% to use Poison Rush, Poison Nuke deal damage as twice as Poison Nuke, also heal the player half of the damage it deal, the more enemy in the Poison Nuke' Cloud, the more health you can get, Poison Rush turn you into a poison cloud and deal heavy damage to all enemy on the path, stay in cloud form for about 5s and then return to normal, in cloud form you can deal damage to nearby enemy. ). Cryo-Ship( Which use Ice bullet to attack, have an effect that slow down the enemy movement speed, attack speed and have a small chance to fire penetrate bullet, also can fire the Ice spear to freeze the enemy for 5s, freeze enemy can not move or attack, but can take damage, Cryo-Ship's ability is freeze all enemy on the screen). Heavy Ship(which use heavy gun and charge cannon that can shoot out 4 cluster bullet and a super explode, have an ability with cooldown 100s, when using, the ship will show you 8 little cannon fire bullet that explode on impact and 1 big cannon that will charge up and launch a Ultra Explosion at the end of combo, also have a shield that reduce up to 50 damage taken.). Infestor( which use parasite spore to attack and infest enemy, make the enemy spawn 4 scourge on death, scrouge will explode if touching something to deal high damage, also have an ability that infested all enemy and kill all small enemy, big enemy like boss will lose 10% max hp and spawn more Scrouge on death). Destroyer( Fire a lot of small missle at enemy, deal small splash damage each and can launch a beam with heavy damage to enemy, this laser beam can pierce through enemy, cooldown 60s.) Bloomerang(which use a Doomerang cannon to attack with high attack power, but need time to cooldown cannon when over heat.). The last one is Flame Ship(which use a flamethrower cannone to burn enemy, also have a Flame Tornado around that can deal damage and block enemy projectiles attack, occur once every 10s, can reduce cooldown up to 5s with more hangar level and upgrade.) alse the most powerful ship ever.

-All damage will become more powerful with more upgrade you collect.

-The Laser Beam Of Ultimate Boss can pierce through shield

-I recommend you to play on Endless mode first, enemy in Mission and Boss Fight mode are really strong. Play Challenge mode when you are above level 49( Just set boss level up to 20 when you not reach level max, you don't want to face "it"(which can tear you down even the ship you use is the most powerful, immune to all special effect) when not enough level)

-Even max hangar level ship can be kill by the ultimate boss very easy. must avoid all laser attack.

-Ship have shield its the best choice which can generate a shield and absorb damage instead of losing health.

-There are just some ship have shield because shield technology is expensive, can't apply for all ship.

-Your base max hp is 100, increase 10 each hangar level upgrade, up to level 99 is max. #shooter #arcade

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