Comments (10)
Well it took me forever to get this out, perhaps my longest video ever lol. Very excited for your next project Bulge-boy this series was very fun and hilarious.
"[Y]ou faggot bread."
"Is the pope jewish?"
Absolutly beautiful game. But the boss fight colliders are majorly screwed up.
"Once in a lifetime game. Must play, 10/10, 1337 HAX0R. Would recommend to buy for a friend's brother's best man at his wedding."
Oh hell yes I'm playing this asap, I'll make a video like the others for this sexy series, for now here's a video of me being drunk and spouting stupid nonsense.
GOTY 2017
Spindly Man: Part III (Classic)
After our hero gets trapped with Chaos Spindly Man in the Spindly Household chances of his survival seem slim. Luckily, a past friend comes along to save him from being slaughtered then and there! After that, our hero runs to the Chaos Machine to press the self destruct button but shortly after realises that the self destruct button doesn't exactly do what it claims it does...
Hello, Bulge-Boy back again bringing you the next installment to the Spindly Man Trilogy. Introducing... Spindly Man 3! Find out more about Chaos Spindly Man's abilities in this new epic adventure! Explore new worlds, meet new friends, and try to take down Spindly Man and retrieve your pages!
The Final Chapter
This is the final Spindly Man installment before I move onto my next project. It's sad to see it go but i'll make sure it goes out with a bang! I'ts been real fun creating these games, characters and worlds but after this epic game it's time to say goodbye to Spindly Man... And move on to create EVEN MORE EPIC WORLDS, EVEN MORE EPIC CHARACTERS AND EVEN MORE EPIC GAMES FAR SUPERIOR TO SPINDLY MAN! Get hyped, kiddos!
"The way how I feel about Bulge-Boy's games is that they're really inspiring... He doesn't care about all the graphics or put a whole lot of money into his projects he just does it because he enjoys it and that's the amazing thing about this creator."
-HeZoKo (Thanks for that. Really means a lot ^_^)
"Once in a lifetime game. Must play, 10/10, 1337 HAX0R. Would recommend to buy for a friend's brother's best man at his wedding."
"It's just one of those retarded kind of games that you can't help but love"
(More Reviews Coming soon)
Love, Bulge-Boy xoxoxooxoxoxooxoxoxoxoxo