
Comments (87)

What do you think?

This is the thumbnail of my game, I currently put it on devlog right now. But I'm trying to make a game with these animatronics int hem. XD

Do you have any guess when this will come out?

No need to rush or anything, I'm just curious.

Also is there a way to make freeroam games

okay this is epic

i have a question. can we import our own models?

Fnaf Kit is a game designed to allow for the creation of custom nights and maps that are both sharable and playable by anyone else with the game. The project was in on and off development for its first year, before it was scrapped and rebuilt from the ground up in its current form.

This game is a one-man effort, so progress is not that fast. If interested in helping out, pm me.

#pointnclick #survival #fangame #horror #other #fnaf #levelEditor #MapMaker #fnaf #fnaf

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence

Quick update as to the state of the toolkit right now. While work is progressing I will be rewriting the AI to be far less complex thanks to having picked up a few new tricks in another project. Set pieces for games will be ready soon though.

And we have motion! I diddnt have as much time as I'd have wanted to work this weekend but we've made some headway. Clocks. waypoints and time all working.

Just a heads up that this project is still going. 22 days since last post may have made it a little worrying but we are still hard at it. Expect to see more this weekend.

I've started a new job this week so updates are gonna be a little slower. All is not lost however as Animatronic AI continues to grow. At the moment I'm attempting to add two movement modes. Still and walk so games have more say how they move.

Currently polishing up another project but all is not silent on the toolkit. overall logic for animatronic AI is complete. once implemented the kit has all basic functionality to see a beta release which will hopefully happen before christmas.

Ready to give the test character some proper animations since he will soon have AI.

The animatronic system begins to take shape. Still to come are their waypoint markers and how they move through the map. Markers will support custom behaviours too like lights being on attracting Animatronics or blocked doors keeping them out.

Now looking for ideas for features to be implemented into the kit so its as usable as possible. Like a mechanic from a certain game? Want something new? comment bellow and we will see what we can do! :D

Cameras are pretty much working now. Though i would like to add support for things such as door locking and the music box on certain ones.

Test wolf