Comments (2)
Life changing game, hell world is peak
Bro use gamemaker instead of python
The Quest for Pepperoni! Beta 3.2
The Quest For Pepperoni Beta 2
The Quest for Pepperoni to brutalna gra pe艂na kolc贸w, pu艂apek i niespodzianek, kt贸rej przej艣cie graniczy z cudem!
Wcielasz si臋 w pewnego szefa kuchni o imieniu "The Chef", kt贸remu zosta艂o skradzione pud艂o z pepperoni, wi臋c zamiast sobie kupi膰 nowe idzie na super przygod臋 od swojego podw贸rka do nieba, potem piek艂a, nast臋pnie do jakiej艣 tajemniczej 艣wi膮tyni i jeszcze do czyjego艣 zamku? Sam nie wiem co on ma w g艂owie. Sam w sobie jest pr臋dki i skacze wysoko, ale umiera na nawet malutk膮 ryse. Zwyk艂y dotyk palcem o kolec go niszczy w fontanne krwi! Chocia偶 tyle dobrego 偶e ma niesko艅czono艣膰 偶y膰.
Sama gra zawiera 4 rozdzia艂y, ka偶de maj膮ce swoje unikalne przeszkody, takie jak: trampoliny, lataj膮ce kolce, dzia艂a strzelaj膮ce kulami ognia, zgniatarki co cie goni膮 po poziomie i tak dalej. Gra z czasem staje si臋 coraz trudniejsza, wi臋c pewnie i tak wi臋kszo艣ci przeszk贸d nie spotkasz! A jakby tego by艂o za ma艂o, gra jest pe艂na kontentu, w tym:
4 krem贸wkowe poziomy, czyli prawie niemo偶liwe sekretne poziomy ukryte 1 na rozdzia艂. Za przej艣cie ich dostajesz krem贸wki!
12 poukrywanych po ca艂ej grze pieni膮偶k贸w.
Wyzwania na czas, gdzie musisz przej艣膰 ca艂y rozdzia艂 na raz w ograniczonym czasie.
20 osi膮gni臋膰! W tym jedno za przej艣cie ca艂ego rozdzia艂u bez umierania; powodzenia z nim!
Wyb贸r poziomu trudno艣ci; Niewa偶ne jest to, czy jeste艣 ekspertem czy pocz膮tkuj膮cym w platform贸wkach. Zawsze mo偶esz wybra膰 poziom, kt贸ry jest dopasowany do twoich umiej臋tno艣ci. (i autyzmu)
2 Ukryte bossy: Rewolwerowiec i Du偶y Chef!
A, wi臋c, czy uda ci si臋 przej艣膰 t膮 gr臋?
PS: Ta gra jest nadal w produkcji, wi臋c to oczywiste jest 偶e b臋dzie okropna i popsuta! Je偶eli co艣 ci si臋 bardzo nie podoba w grze, lub znalaz艂e艣 jakiego艣 powa偶nego buga, mo偶esz 艣mia艂o do mnie napisa膰 na discordzie; dzareg
The Quest for Pepperoni is a brutal game filled with spikes, traps and surprises, which beating requires insane skills.
You play as a local chef called "The Chef", whose pepperoni box got stolen, so instead of buying a new one he goes on a amazing adventure from his backyard, to the skies, after that to hell, later on to some mysterious temple and also to someone's castle? I don't know either what was he thinking. He is very fast and jumps high, but he dies over anything. Even a small touch of a spike causes him to explode into a pile of gibs! It's a good thing that atleast he has infinite lifes + quick respawn.
The game itself has 4 chapters, each with their own unique obstacles, such as: trampolines, flying spikes, fireball-shooting turrets, crushblocks which chase you around the level and so on. The game with time gets harder though, so you won't experience too many of those obstacles anyway! And if that wasn't enough, the game is filled with side content, including:
4 Creamcake levels, which are brutal and near impossible secret levels hidden for one in each chapter. For completing them you get creamcakes!
12 hidden coins scattered around the entire game.
Time challenges, where you have to beat a chapter all at once in a limited time.
20 Achievements! Including one where you have to complete a chapter without dying; good luck with that!
Difficulty level select; It doesn't matter if you're an expert or a beginner in platformers. You can always choose a level matched for your skills. (and autism)
2 Hidden bosses: The gunslinger and Big Chef!
So, will you be able to complete this game?
PS: This game is still in active development, so obviously it's awful and buggy! If you hate something about the game, or if you've found a major bug, feel free to message me about it on discord; dzareg