Comments (12)
i wonder if someone archived the teaser video?
This game shouldn't had been cancelled
Funny bunny and feby Neddy looking kinda fresh on god no cap bro
so this is just an archive of the game not actually gonna be worked on?
Yo! that looks so cool. The model is fire too damn!

James Calfron thought this would be a normal job. He was just a standard security guard working the graveyard shift from midnight to six. There should be no danger, no mysterious events occuring, no connections to his past life experiences.
This was a normal job, right? ...of course, the word "normal" gets thrown out the window when you're dealing with Freddy's Funland Emporium.
Forget everything you've ever known about the TRTF Saga and prepare to embrace the ride into the dark beneath in this new tale to tell.

3D Software: Blender 2.9, C4D
Editing: Paint.net
Coding: Clickteam Fusion 2.5

Director: @numbness_
Co-Director: @AtlasEmerging
Producer: @PurpleSnake2014
Coding: @MDiaz @MartinArthur @SunkenStudios
Modeling: @MDiaz @SunkenStudios @PurpleSnake2014
Animation: @numbness_ @AtlasEmerging
Music: Sigrid Rodriguez/Shigurizu Chan
Beta testing: @ChipsWithWeedInThem @DAntoniGamer
Voice Acting: @AtlasEmerging @noir-popmeta, Divad Milas
Ideas and help: @SynthPunk
All rights go to @TylerAhlstrom
#fangame #horror #scifi #survival #pointnclick #puzzle #fnaf